History of Deuterium Depleted Water

Urey’s mentor Gilbert N. Lewis, professor of chemistry at Berkeley, was the first to create pure heavy water via electrolysis in 1933 shortly after Urey proved its existence. And subsequently he was the first to observe that this heavy water when frozen would sink instead of float like normal water...


Depleted Deuterium and Cancer

Molecular and Clinical Effects of Deuterium Depleted Water in Treatment and Prevention of Cancer Each year 12.7 million people realize they have cancer and 7.6 million people die from the disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) projects that without immediate action the global number of deaths from cancer will increase...


The Emotional Causes of Cancer

Negative Emotions in the Body Can Cause Cancer! It is very common for those with cancer to have a long-standing tendency to suppress “toxic emotions”, particularly anger. Usually beginning in childhood, there is a pattern of holding in hostility and other emotions judged as unacceptable. More often than not, this...


Age Less

Mounting evidence suggests hydrogen therapy may just be the fountain of youth we have been searching for since the dawn of time. Hundreds of studies confirm it’s not only safe, it’s also highly effective for the treatment of numerous diseases, for enhancing energy and sports performance, and for the promotion...