Drinking Depleted Deuterium Water

All of us know that water is one of the most important elements of human life. The human body is made of 60% water, which is why it’s so important for energy production. Producing energy happens in the mitochondria – the powerhouse of the cell. Inside the mitochondria, there’s this...


The role of deuterium in DNA degradation

Introduction Evidence indicates that aging is coupled to an accumulation of errors in DNA that arise due to strand breakage, DNA replication errors, or dysfunctional DNA repair mechanisms. Naturally occurring background radiation is a pervasive mutagen known to adversely affect DNA. Deuterium oxide is also pervasive and adversely affects DNA....


Age Less

Mounting evidence suggests hydrogen therapy may just be the fountain of youth we have been searching for since the dawn of time. Hundreds of studies confirm it’s not only safe, it’s also highly effective for the treatment of numerous diseases, for enhancing energy and sports performance, and for the promotion...