Tuesday, 21 January, 2025
Health & Disease
Hydrogen is a highly significant health strategy with its anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and protective effects on cells and organs.
Sport & Energy
Hydrogen plays a huge role in energy production in the body, reduces lactic acid formation and helps you support your sports performance.
Hydrogen is a highly significant natural preventative health regimen that helps retard the ageing process and improve your quality of life.
scientific articles about the value of H2
Bio-molecules altered with H2
Identified medical uses of H2
Disease models can benefit from H2
Mounting evidence suggests hydrogen therapy may just be the fountain of youth we have been searching for since the dawn of time. Hundreds of studies confirm it’s not only safe, it’s also highly effective for the treatment of numerous diseases, for enhancing...
You know how old you are -- but do you know how old your body is? Not everyone ages at the same rate1. The aging process is associated with a number of physiological and cellular changes2, not all of which are directly...
Studies on molecular hydrogen have evolved tremendously from its humble beginnings and have continued to change throughout the years. Hydrogen is extremely unique since it has the capability to act at the cellular level. Hydrogen is qualified to cross the blood brain...